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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Creating a website using VS.Net

Steps for Creating a website using VS.Net

  1. Start VS 2010 from programs in administration mode, if we want to work with IIS.
  2. Then goto File --> New --> Website . It is one way to create a website from VS .net.This action will display a window prompting for some inputs.
  • Language : C#
  • Target Framework : .Net 2.0 to .Net 4.0
             This option lets users select the .Net version to be used for executing the current project. Multi targetting .Net framework is one unique feature of .Net which means we can use latest IDE's tools to work with any .Net version and also to change the project from one version to other with simple options.

  • ASP.Net Empty WebSite
           This is what we have to start with as this template doesn't provide any content in project automatically. All the content should be added explicitly by user.

  • Location :
          if we use HTTP, then use IIS for creating a website. for this IIS should be in running state and VS.Net should be in administration mode. with this VS, there is no need to manually goto IIS and create website.


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